3. Inter-Process Communication

Processes often need to interact with one another in order to accomplish tasks. In the previous homework example, we saw one simplest way to communicate among the processes: the homework process waits for the completion of all student processes. Simulus provides a rich set of mechanisms to support inter-process communication. We start by discussing the two basic primitive methods designed specifically for synchronizing and communicating among the simulation processes: one is called a “trap” and the other is called a “semaphore”.

3.1. Traps

Traps are one-time signaling mechanisms for inter-process communication. A trap has three states. It’s “unset” when the trap is first created and and nothing has happened to it. It’s “set” when one or more processes are waiting for the trap to be triggered. It turns to “sprung” when the trap has been triggered, after which there will be no more processes waiting for the trap.

The life of a trap is as follows. A trap starts with the “unset” state when it’s created. When a process waits for a trap, the trap goes to “set”, at which state more processes may come and wait on the same trap, and the trap would remain in the same “set” state. When a process triggers the trap and if the trap is in the “set” state, all processes waiting on the trap will be unblocked and resume execution (it’s guaranteed there is at least one waiting process when the trap is in the “set” state). The trap will then be transitioned into the “sprung” state. When a process triggers the trap which is in the “unset” state, the trap will just be transitioned to the “sprung” state (since there are no processes currently waiting on the trap). If a trap has “sprung”, further waiting on the trap will be considered as an no-op; that is, the processes trying to wait on a “sprung” trap will have not effect; the process will not be suspended.

3.1.1. One-Time Signaling

A trap is a very simple signaling mechanism. One or more processes can wait on a trap. When another process triggers the trap, all the waiting processes will be released at once. It is important to know that a trap is for one-time use only. Once sprung, a trap cannot be triggered any more, or simulus will raise an exception. That is, if a process wants to send multiple signals to other processes, one would have to use multiple traps (or some other synchronization mechanisms as we will discuss later).

The following example shows a simple use case for traps.

# %load "../examples/basics/onetrap.py"
import simulus

def p(idx):
    if idx > 0:
        print("p%d starts at %g and waits on trap" % (idx, sim.now))
        print("p%d resumes at %g" % (idx, sim.now))
        print("p%d starts at %g" % (idx, sim.now))
        print("p%d triggers the trap at %g" % (idx, sim.now))

sim = simulus.simulator()
t = sim.trap()
for i in range(10):
    sim.process(p, i, offset=10+i)

p0 starts at 10
p1 starts at 11 and waits on trap
p2 starts at 12 and waits on trap
p3 starts at 13 and waits on trap
p4 starts at 14 and waits on trap
p5 starts at 15 and waits on trap
p0 triggers the trap at 15
p1 resumes at 15
p2 resumes at 15
p3 resumes at 15
p4 resumes at 15
p5 resumes at 15
p6 starts at 16 and waits on trap
p6 resumes at 16
p7 starts at 17 and waits on trap
p7 resumes at 17
p8 starts at 18 and waits on trap
p8 resumes at 18
p9 starts at 19 and waits on trap
p9 resumes at 19

In this example, we create a trap using the simulator’s trap() method. We create 10 processes, p0, p1, … p9. We stagger them to start from time 10 to 19. Process p0 acts differently from the others: it sleeps for 5 and then triggers the trap. All the other processes, p1 to p9, simply wait on the trap. You can inspect the results from running this example to see whether the processes behave as what you would expect.

3.1.2. Barriers

A barrier can be used to synchronize a group of processes. A barrier means that the processes must stop at the barrier and cannot be allowed to proceed until all processes from the group reach the barrier. When the last process reaches the barrier, all processes can resume execution and continue from the barrier.

It is rather straightforward to implement barriers using traps. In the following example, we creates such a barrier.

# %load "../examples/basics/barrier.py"
import simulus

from random import seed, expovariate

class Barrier(object):
    def __init__(self, sim, total_procs):
        self.sim = sim
        self.total_procs = total_procs
        # reset the barrier (by creating a new trap and
        # resetting the count)
        self.trap = self.sim.trap()
        self.num = 0

    def barrier(self):
        self.num += 1
        if self.num < self.total_procs:
            # not yet all processes have reached the barrier
            # the last process has reached the barrier
            # reset the barrier for next time use (by
            # creating a new trap and resetting the count)
            self.trap = self.sim.trap()
            self.num = 0

def p(idx):
    while True:
        t = expovariate(1)
        print("p%d runs at %g and sleeps for %g" % (idx, sim.now, t))
        print("p%d reaches barrier at %g" % (idx, sim.now))

sim = simulus.simulator()
bar = Barrier(sim, 10)
for i in range(10):
    sim.process(p, i)

p0 runs at 0 and sleeps for 0.538916
p2 runs at 0 and sleeps for 0.0102212
p6 runs at 0 and sleeps for 1.74415
p9 runs at 0 and sleeps for 0.354734
p5 runs at 0 and sleeps for 0.459518
p1 runs at 0 and sleeps for 0.215251
p4 runs at 0 and sleeps for 0.83473
p3 runs at 0 and sleeps for 0.176365
p8 runs at 0 and sleeps for 0.132694
p7 runs at 0 and sleeps for 0.567284
p2 reaches barrier at 0.0102212
p8 reaches barrier at 0.132694
p3 reaches barrier at 0.176365
p1 reaches barrier at 0.215251
p9 reaches barrier at 0.354734
p5 reaches barrier at 0.459518
p0 reaches barrier at 0.538916
p7 reaches barrier at 0.567284
p4 reaches barrier at 0.83473
p6 reaches barrier at 1.74415
p6 runs at 1.74415 and sleeps for 0.825716
p2 runs at 1.74415 and sleeps for 0.191577
p8 runs at 1.74415 and sleeps for 0.805691
p3 runs at 1.74415 and sleeps for 0.438352
p1 runs at 1.74415 and sleeps for 3.17163
p9 runs at 1.74415 and sleeps for 0.0957338
p5 runs at 1.74415 and sleeps for 3.84624
p0 runs at 1.74415 and sleeps for 0.531231
p7 runs at 1.74415 and sleeps for 0.701049
p4 runs at 1.74415 and sleeps for 0.16034
p9 reaches barrier at 1.83988
p4 reaches barrier at 1.90449
p2 reaches barrier at 1.93573
p3 reaches barrier at 2.1825
p0 reaches barrier at 2.27538
p7 reaches barrier at 2.4452
p8 reaches barrier at 2.54984
p6 reaches barrier at 2.56987
p1 reaches barrier at 4.91578
p5 reaches barrier at 5.59039
p5 runs at 5.59039 and sleeps for 1.26928
p9 runs at 5.59039 and sleeps for 0.210686
p4 runs at 5.59039 and sleeps for 0.417883
p2 runs at 5.59039 and sleeps for 0.0238023
p3 runs at 5.59039 and sleeps for 0.414785
p0 runs at 5.59039 and sleeps for 3.42598
p7 runs at 5.59039 and sleeps for 3.85368
p8 runs at 5.59039 and sleeps for 1.36465
p6 runs at 5.59039 and sleeps for 0.00346059
p1 runs at 5.59039 and sleeps for 2.81739
p6 reaches barrier at 5.59385
p2 reaches barrier at 5.61419
p9 reaches barrier at 5.80107
p3 reaches barrier at 6.00517
p4 reaches barrier at 6.00827
p5 reaches barrier at 6.85967
p8 reaches barrier at 6.95504
p1 reaches barrier at 8.40778
p0 reaches barrier at 9.01636
p7 reaches barrier at 9.44407
p7 runs at 9.44407 and sleeps for 2.04614
p6 runs at 9.44407 and sleeps for 1.47331
p2 runs at 9.44407 and sleeps for 0.197078
p9 runs at 9.44407 and sleeps for 0.104805
p3 runs at 9.44407 and sleeps for 0.535345
p4 runs at 9.44407 and sleeps for 2.1675
p5 runs at 9.44407 and sleeps for 0.862954
p8 runs at 9.44407 and sleeps for 1.33401
p1 runs at 9.44407 and sleeps for 0.264775
p0 runs at 9.44407 and sleeps for 0.741492
p9 reaches barrier at 9.54887
p2 reaches barrier at 9.64114
p1 reaches barrier at 9.70884
p3 reaches barrier at 9.97941

The Barrier class implements the barrier. One creates a barrier with two arguments: the simulator on which the processes are run and the total number of processes expected at the barrier. Internally, we create a trap for the synchronization and use a counter (called num) to keep track of the number of processes having reached the barrier so far. The counter is initialized to zero. Each time a process wants to use the barrier, it calls the barrier() method, which increments the counter. If the counter is smaller than the total number of processes, the process will be put on hold (using the trap’s wait() method). Otherwise, if the counter gets to the total number of processes, the process is the last one among the group of processes to reach the barrier. Therefore, it calls the trap’s trigger() method to release all the waiting processes that have earlier arrived at the barrier. Remember that traps can only be used once. To make the barrier reusable, we create a new trap each time the last process reaches the barrier. We also reset the counter.

In this example, we create 10 processes. Each process waits for some random time (exponentially distributed) and then calls barrier(). Once the method returns, the process repeats the same: it waits for some random time and calls for the next barrier.

3.2. Semaphores

Semaphores are multi-use signaling mechanisms for inter-process communication. It is the other primitive method beside traps designed for synchronizing and communicating simulation processes.

In simulus, a semaphore implements what is commonly called a “counting semaphore.” Initially, a semaphore can have a nonnegative integer count, which indicates the number of available resources. The processes atomically increment the semaphore count to represent resources being added or returned to the pool (using the signal() method). Similarly, the processes atomically decrement the semaphore count to represent resources being removed from the pool (using the wait() method). When the semaphore count is zero, it means that there are no available resources. In that case, a process trying to decrement the semaphore (to remove a resource) will be blocked until more resources are added back to the pool.

A semaphore is different than a trap. A trap is a one-time signaling mechanism. Multiple processes can wait on a trap. Once a process triggers the trap, all waiting processes will be unblocked. Moreover, a trap cannot be reused: once a trap is sprung, subsequent waits will not block the processes and a trap cannot be triggered again. In comparison, a semaphore is a multi-use signaling mechanism. Each time a process waits on a semaphore, the semaphore value will be decremented. If the value becomes negative, the process will be blocked. Each time one signals a semaphore, the semaphore value will be incremented. If there are blocked processes, one of these processes will be unblocked. Processes can use the same semaphore continuously multiple times.

3.2.1. Circular Wait

The following example shows the use of semaphores to synchronize a group of processes.

# %load "../examples/basics/circular.py"
import simulus

from random import seed, expovariate

def p(idx):
    while True:
        print("p%d wakes up at %g" % (idx, sim.now))

sim = simulus.simulator()

total_procs = 10
sems = [sim.semaphore() for _ in range(total_procs)]
for i in range(10):
    sim.process(p, i)

p0 wakes up at 0
p1 wakes up at 0.538916
p2 wakes up at 0.549138
p3 wakes up at 2.29329
p4 wakes up at 2.64802
p5 wakes up at 3.10754
p6 wakes up at 3.32279
p7 wakes up at 4.15752
p8 wakes up at 4.33388
p9 wakes up at 4.46658
p0 wakes up at 5.03386
p1 wakes up at 5.85958
p2 wakes up at 6.05115
p3 wakes up at 6.85685
p4 wakes up at 7.2952
p5 wakes up at 10.4668
p6 wakes up at 10.5626
p7 wakes up at 14.4088
p8 wakes up at 14.94
p9 wakes up at 15.6411
p0 wakes up at 15.8014
p1 wakes up at 17.0707
p2 wakes up at 17.2814
p3 wakes up at 17.6993
p4 wakes up at 17.7231
p5 wakes up at 18.1379

In this example, ten processes are organized in a circle. Each process is created with a semaphore; it waits for the semaphore and then signal the semaphore of the subsequent process, and then repeats. In this case, all the processes are executed one at a time in a round robin fashion.

The use of semaphores in this case is very much like traps, since there is at most one process waiting on a semaphore at any given time. Whether the semaphore unblocks just one waiting process at a time, or the trap unblocks all the waiting processes at once does not really matter in this case. However, a semaphore can be reused, while a trap cannot. If we use traps for this example, we would have to create a new trap each time a process wakes up (similar to what we did for the barrier example).

3.2.2. Producer-Consumer Problem

We should have learned from our Operation Systems class about the producer-consumer problem (also known as the bounded-buffer problem). It’s a classic scenario for multi-process synchronization. In its simplest form, the problem consists of two processes. A producer process repeatedly generates data and put them into a common, fixed sized buffer. A consumer consumes the data by removing them from the buffer one at a time. The problem is that the producer cannot put data into the buffer if the buffer is already full. Similarly, the consumer cannot remove data from the buffer if the buffer is empty.

One solution to the producer-consumer problem is to use semaphores, as shown in the following example. Later we will show an even simpler way to solve this problem (using store provided by simulus).

# %load "../examples/basics/boundbuf.py"
import simulus

from random import seed, expovariate, gauss

bufsiz = 5 # buffer capacity
items_produced = 0 # keep track the number of items produced
items_consumed = 0 # ... and consumed for ALL producers and consumers
num_producers = 2 # number of producers
num_consumers = 3 # number of consumers

def producer(idx):
    global items_produced
    while True:
        sim.sleep(expovariate(1)) # take time to produce an item
        num = items_produced
        items_produced += 1
        print("%f: p[%d] produces item [%d]" % (sim.now, idx, num))
        sem_avail.wait() # require a free slot in buffer
        sem_occupy.signal() # store the item and increase occupancy
        print("%f: p[%d] stores item [%d] in buffer" %
              (sim.now, idx, num))

def consumer(idx):
    global items_consumed
    while True:
        sem_occupy.wait() # require an item from buffer
        sem_avail.signal() # retrieve the item and bump the free slots
        num = items_consumed
        items_consumed += 1
        print("%f: c[%d] retrieves item [%d] from buffer" %
              (sim.now, idx, num))
        sim.sleep(gauss(0.8, 0.2)) # take time to consume the item
        print("%f: c[%d] consumes item[%d]" % (sim.now, idx, num))

sim = simulus.simulator()
sem_avail = sim.semaphore(bufsiz) # available slots
sem_occupy = sim.semaphore(0) # no items yet
for i in range(num_producers):
    sim.process(producer, i)
for i in range(num_consumers):
    sim.process(consumer, i)

0.010221: p[1] produces item [0]
0.010221: p[1] stores item [0] in buffer
0.010221: c[0] retrieves item [0] from buffer
0.538916: p[0] produces item [1]
0.538916: p[0] stores item [1] in buffer
0.538916: c[2] retrieves item [1] from buffer
0.752533: c[0] consumes item[0]
0.754168: p[0] produces item [2]
0.754168: p[0] stores item [2] in buffer
0.754168: c[1] retrieves item [2] from buffer
1.521765: c[2] consumes item[1]
1.588897: p[0] produces item [3]
1.588897: p[0] stores item [3] in buffer
1.588897: c[0] retrieves item [3] from buffer
1.608449: c[1] consumes item[2]
1.754371: p[1] produces item [4]
1.754371: p[1] stores item [4] in buffer
1.754371: c[2] retrieves item [4] from buffer
2.156181: p[0] produces item [5]
2.156181: p[0] stores item [5] in buffer
2.156181: c[1] retrieves item [5] from buffer
2.476470: c[0] consumes item[3]
2.580087: p[1] produces item [6]
2.580087: p[1] stores item [6] in buffer
2.580087: c[0] retrieves item [6] from buffer
2.594533: p[0] produces item [7]
2.594533: p[0] stores item [7] in buffer
2.670563: c[2] consumes item[4]
2.670563: c[2] retrieves item [7] from buffer
3.125764: p[0] produces item [8]
3.125764: p[0] stores item [8] in buffer
3.181913: c[1] consumes item[5]
3.181913: c[1] retrieves item [8] from buffer
3.771587: c[2] consumes item[7]
3.826813: p[0] produces item [9]
3.826813: p[0] stores item [9] in buffer
3.826813: c[2] retrieves item [9] from buffer
3.846008: c[0] consumes item[6]
4.037499: p[0] produces item [10]
4.037499: p[0] stores item [10] in buffer
4.037499: c[0] retrieves item [10] from buffer
4.172205: c[1] consumes item[8]
4.455382: p[0] produces item [11]
4.455382: p[0] stores item [11] in buffer
4.455382: c[1] retrieves item [11] from buffer
4.882414: c[2] consumes item[9]
5.017675: c[0] consumes item[10]
5.282205: c[1] consumes item[11]
5.751716: p[1] produces item [12]
5.751716: p[1] stores item [12] in buffer
5.751716: c[2] retrieves item [12] from buffer
6.551144: c[2] consumes item[12]
7.881357: p[0] produces item [13]
7.881357: p[0] stores item [13] in buffer
7.881357: c[0] retrieves item [13] from buffer
8.664728: c[0] consumes item[13]
9.605397: p[1] produces item [14]
9.605397: p[1] stores item [14] in buffer
9.605397: c[1] retrieves item [14] from buffer

We use two semaphores: one semaphore sem_avail is used to count the number of free slots in the buffer, and the other semaphore sem_occupy is used to count the number of produced items stored in the buffer.

A producer sleeps for some random time which is exponentially distributed to represent the production of an item, then calls wait() on the semaphore sem_avail to decrement the available slots in the buffer. The process may be blocked if there is no more free slots available, in which case we wait for a consumer to retrieve an item and thereby creates a free slot. If the buffer is not full, the producer adds the item into the buffer, which is represented by calling signal() on the semaphore sem_occupy, which increments the number of occupied items in the buffer (which could potential unblock a waiting consumer process). The producer then repeats.

A consumer calls wait() on the semaphore sem_occupy to decrement the number of items stored in the buffer. The process may be blocked if there are currently no items in the buffer. In this case, the process will wait until a producer adds an item. Otherwise, the consumer retrieves the item, which is represented by calling signal() on the semaphore sem_avail, which increments the number of available slots in the buffer. This could potentially unblock a waiting producer process. The consume process then consumes the item, by randomly waiting for some random time, which is normally distributed. The consumer then repeats.

In this example, we create two producer and three consumer processes, and use the two semaphores to synchronize the processes to access the bounded buffer. If you’re familiar with the performance modeling literature, you may recognize that we are actually simulating a multi-server queue with limited capacity.

3.2.3. Queuing Disciplines

If multiple processes are waiting on a semaphore, the order in which the processes are unblocked may be important. By default, a semaphore applies the FIFO order (first in first out). That is, the first process which got blocked on the semaphore will be the first one unblocked.

Other queuing disciplines are also possible, including LIFO (last in first out), SIRO (service in random order), and PRIORITY (which is based on the ‘priority’ of the processes: a lower value means higher priority). One can choose a queuing discipline when the semaphore is created. The queuing disciplines are constants defined in the QDIS class.

In the following example, we show the use of different queuing disciplines.

# %load "../examples/basics/qdis.py"
import simulus

# so that we get same result from random priority
from random import seed

def p(idx, sem):
    # set the priority of the current process (this is only useful
    # if we use PRIORITY qdis)

    # make sure the process wait on the semaphore in order

    # the process will block on the semaphore and then print out
    # a message when it is unblocked
    print("p[id=%d,prio=%.1f] resumes at %f" %
          (idx, sim.get_priority(), sim.now))

def trywaits(sem):
    # create ten processes which will all block on the semaphore
    for i in range(10):
        sim.process(p, idx=i, sem=sem)

    # release them all and check the order they are unblocked
    for i in range(10):

sim = simulus.simulator()
s1 = sim.semaphore()
s2 = sim.semaphore(qdis=simulus.QDIS.LIFO)
s3 = sim.semaphore(qdis=simulus.QDIS.SIRO)
s4 = sim.semaphore(qdis=simulus.QDIS.PRIORITY)
sim.process(trywaits, s1, offset=0)
sim.process(trywaits, s2, offset=100)
sim.process(trywaits, s3, offset=200)
sim.process(trywaits, s4, offset=300)

p[id=0,prio=3.2] resumes at 10.000000
p[id=1,prio=2.2] resumes at 10.000000
p[id=2,prio=1.2] resumes at 10.000000
p[id=3,prio=0.2] resumes at 10.000000
p[id=4,prio=0.8] resumes at 10.000000
p[id=5,prio=1.8] resumes at 10.000000
p[id=6,prio=2.8] resumes at 10.000000
p[id=7,prio=3.8] resumes at 10.000000
p[id=8,prio=4.8] resumes at 10.000000
p[id=9,prio=5.8] resumes at 10.000000
p[id=9,prio=5.8] resumes at 110.000000
p[id=8,prio=4.8] resumes at 110.000000
p[id=7,prio=3.8] resumes at 110.000000
p[id=6,prio=2.8] resumes at 110.000000
p[id=5,prio=1.8] resumes at 110.000000
p[id=4,prio=0.8] resumes at 110.000000
p[id=3,prio=0.2] resumes at 110.000000
p[id=2,prio=1.2] resumes at 110.000000
p[id=1,prio=2.2] resumes at 110.000000
p[id=0,prio=3.2] resumes at 110.000000
p[id=3,prio=0.2] resumes at 210.000000
p[id=0,prio=3.2] resumes at 210.000000
p[id=5,prio=1.8] resumes at 210.000000
p[id=9,prio=5.8] resumes at 210.000000
p[id=2,prio=1.2] resumes at 210.000000
p[id=8,prio=4.8] resumes at 210.000000
p[id=7,prio=3.8] resumes at 210.000000
p[id=6,prio=2.8] resumes at 210.000000
p[id=4,prio=0.8] resumes at 210.000000
p[id=1,prio=2.2] resumes at 210.000000
p[id=3,prio=0.2] resumes at 310.000000
p[id=4,prio=0.8] resumes at 310.000000
p[id=2,prio=1.2] resumes at 310.000000
p[id=5,prio=1.8] resumes at 310.000000
p[id=1,prio=2.2] resumes at 310.000000
p[id=6,prio=2.8] resumes at 310.000000
p[id=0,prio=3.2] resumes at 310.000000
p[id=7,prio=3.8] resumes at 310.000000
p[id=8,prio=4.8] resumes at 310.000000
p[id=9,prio=5.8] resumes at 310.000000

We create four semaphores, each selected for a different queuing discipline. This is achieved by passing the qdis argument to the simulator’s semaphore() method that creates the semaphores. To use the priority based queuing discipline, we use the simulator’s set_priority() method to set the current process’s priority.

For each of the four semaphores, we create a trywaits process, which then creates another 10 processes who will wait on the semaphore. Then the trywaits process will release all the waiting processes one by one. From the print-out, we should be able to determine the order in which the waiting processes are unblocked.

3.3. Trappables and Conditional Waits

Both traps and semaphores are called trappables. An event (i.e., a scheduled function) is a trappable. A process is also a trappable. Simulus provides a very powerful function called wait() to block the calling process until any or all of the given trappables are triggered, or until a pre-specified amount of time has elapsed. When we say a trappable is “triggered”, we mean that the wait condition on the trappable has been satisfied. If it’s a trap, it means the trap has been triggered by another process. If it’s a semaphore, it means a wait on the semaphore has returned. If it’s an event, it means the event has happened (and the event handler has been invoked). If it’s a process, it means the process has terminated.

In case of a trap, if we have only one trap, say t, calling the wait method of the trap, t.wait(), is equivalent to calling the simulator’s wait() function with the trap passed as the argument: sim.wait(t). Similarly, in case of a semaphore, if we have only one semaphore, say s, s.wait() is equivalent to sim.wait(s).

The simulator’s wait() function expects the argument to be either one trappable or a list of trappables. If it takes more than one trappables in a list or tuple, the calling process will be blocked until either one of the trappables, or all of the trappables are triggered. The behavior depends on the method argument: if it’s any, the wait condition is satisfied as soon as one of the trappables is triggered; if it’s ‘all’, the process needs to wait until all trappables are triggered. If the method argument is not provided, simulus assumes it’s ‘all’ by default.

3.3.1. Waiting on Multiple Trappables

The following shows an example of a process waiting for multiple trappables.

# %load "../examples/basics/multiwait.py"
import simulus

def p1():
    print("p1 triggers t1 at %g" % sim.now)

    print("p1 triggers s1 at %g" % sim.now)
    s1.trigger() # signal and trigger are aliases for semaphore

    print("p1 triggers t2 at %g" % sim.now)

    print("p1 triggers s2 at %g" % sim.now)

def p2():
    tp = (t1, s1)
    r, _ = sim.wait(tp)
    print("p2 resumes at %g (ret=%r)" % (sim.now, r))

    tp = [t2, s2]
    r, _ = sim.wait(tp, method=any)
    print("p2 resumes at %g (ret=%r)" % (sim.now, r))

    # find the remaining untriggered trappables (using the
    # returned mask) and wait for them all
    tp = [t for i, t in enumerate(tp) if not r[i]]
    r, _ = sim.wait(tp)
    print("p2 resumes at %g (ret=%r)" % (sim.now, r))

sim = simulus.simulator()
t1 = sim.trap()
t2 = sim.trap()
s1 = sim.semaphore()
s2 = sim.semaphore()

p1 triggers t1 at 10
p1 triggers s1 at 20
p2 resumes at 20 (ret=[True, True])
p1 triggers t2 at 30
p2 resumes at 30 (ret=[True, False])
p1 triggers s2 at 40
p2 resumes at 40 (ret=[True])

In this example, we create two traps, t1 and t2, and two semaphores, s1 and s2. We also create two processes. The process p1 triggers a trap or a semaphore at 10 seconds interval. The other process p2 first waits on a trap and a semaphore using the default method (‘all’). As expected, the process only resumes execution once both trappables have been triggered. The p2 process then waits on the other trap and semaphore using the any method. In this case, when one trappable is triggered, the process will resume execution. It then filters out the triggered trappables from the list and creates another list with the remaining untriggered trappables (actually there’s only one left), and then wait until all of the remaining trapples are triggered.

The return from the wait() function needs a bit more explanation. The wait() function actually returns a tuple with two elements: the first element of the tuple indicates whether the trappables have been triggered or not; and the second element of tuple indicates whether timeout happens. Since in this example, we don’t use timed wait, the wait() function always returns False in the second element.

If the first argument when calling the wait() function is but one trappable (not in a list or tuple), the first element of the returned tuple will simply be a boolean (True or False), indicating whether the trappable has been triggered or not upon the return of the function. If, on the other hand, the first argument when calling the wait() functions a list or a tuple of trappables (even if with just one trappable), the first element of the returned tuple will be a list of booleans, where each element of the list indicates whether the corresponding trappable has been triggered.

In the example, when the wait() function is called the first time, it returns a list with True and True for the first element of the returned tuple, since both trappables must be triggered before the process can resume execution (because of the ‘all’ method). In the second time, the function returns True and False. Only the first trappable (the trap t2) is triggered at the time. Because of the method is ‘any’, one triggered trappable is good enough to satisfy the wait condition. at the third time, the remaining trappable (semaphore s2) is triggered and the function returns a list consisted of only one True element.

We can optionally provide an ‘offset’ or an ‘until’ argument to the wait() function. The ‘offset’ is the relative time from now until which the process will be put on hold at the latest; if provided, it must be a non-negative value. The ‘until’ is the absolute time at which the process is expected to resume execution at the latest; if provided, it must not be earlier than the current time. Either ‘offset’ or ‘until’ can be provided, but not both. If both ‘offset’ and ‘until’ are ignored (like what we have previously), there will be no time limit on the conditional wait.

3.3.2. A Race between Tom and Jerry

To be able to perform conditional wait on multiple trappables certainly allows a process-oriented model to be quite expressive. The following shows a good example. Tom and Jerry decides to enter a race. Tom is modeled by processes. Each time Tom enters the race, we create a process, which calls sleep() to represent the time duration for the run. The time duration is a random variable from a normal distribution with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 50 (and a cutoff below zero). Jerry is modeled by events. Each time Jerry enters the race, we schedule an event using sched() with a time offset representing the time duration for the run. The time duration is a random variable from a uniform distribution between 50 and 100. Tom and Jerry compete for ten times; the next race would start as soon as the previous one finishes. For each race, whoever runs the fastest wins. But if they run for more than 100, both are disqualified for that race. The simulation finds out who eventually wins more races.

# %load "../examples/basics/tomjerry.py"
import simulus

from random import seed, gauss, uniform

def tom():
    sim.sleep(max(0, gauss(100, 50)))
    print("%g: tom finished" % sim.now)

def jerry():
    print("%g: jerry finished" % sim.now)

def compete():
    tom_won, jerry_won = 0, 0
    for _ in range(10):
        print("<-- competition starts at %g -->" % sim.now)

        p = sim.process(tom) # run, tom, run!
        e = sim.sched(jerry, offset=uniform(50, 150)) # run, jerry, run!

        # let the race begin...
        (r1, r2), timedout = sim.wait((p, e), 100, method=any)
        if timedout:
            print("%g: both disqualified" % sim.now)
        elif r1:
            print("%g: tom wins" % sim.now)
            tom_won += 1
            print("%g: jerry wins" % sim.now)
            jerry_won += 1
    print("final result: tom:jerry=%d:%d" % (tom_won, jerry_won))

sim = simulus.simulator()

<-- competition starts at 0 -->
77.5459: jerry finished
77.5459: jerry wins
<-- competition starts at 77.5459 -->
171.749: jerry finished
171.749: jerry wins
<-- competition starts at 171.749 -->
271.749: both disqualified
<-- competition starts at 271.749 -->
357.072: tom finished
357.072: tom wins
<-- competition starts at 357.072 -->
430.387: tom finished
430.387: tom wins
<-- competition starts at 430.387 -->
485.297: tom finished
485.297: tom wins
<-- competition starts at 485.297 -->
585.297: both disqualified
<-- competition starts at 585.297 -->
611.838: tom finished
611.838: tom wins
<-- competition starts at 611.838 -->
711.838: both disqualified
<-- competition starts at 711.838 -->
811.838: both disqualified
final result: tom:jerry=4:2

Earlier in the previous example, we showed traps and semaphores as trappables on which we can perform conditional wait. In this example, we show that both events and processes are also trappables. An instance of the process is returned from the process() function, and an instance of the event is returned from the sched() function. Both are considered as opaque objects. That is, the users are not expected to inspect the content of a process or event. Rather, the users should simple use the references. A process is a trappable, which is triggered when the process is terminated. An event is also a trappable, which is triggered upon the activation of the event (i.e., when the event handler is invoked).

In this example, we call the simulator’s wait() function to wait for ‘any’ of the trappables to be triggered. We also provide a time limit of 100 (we use ‘offset’ as a positional argument). We look at the return value from the wait() function to determine the outcome of the race. If the wait is timed out, we need to kill the process and cancel the event. This is done by calling the simulator’s cancel() method. If Tom wins (when p is triggered), we just cancel the event; and if Jerry wins (when e is triggered), we instead kill the process.